Thursday, June 23, 2011

Job Interview

So I just returned from a job interview at an insurance company. I stumbled into it by accident but decided just to go on the interview for the experience (I'm used to auditions rather that real interviews). So the minute I walk in I get this strong "Dunder Mifflin" vibe. It's dull, office-y, cubicle-like. Anyway, I fill out some forms and the kind, experienced man in charge begins explaining the "great" job and all its benefits. Said if we "put our nose to the grindstone" we could make $100,000 our first year no previous experience necessary! Well, that got me picturing my future. My husband and I, coworkers at this great insurance comp. providing a stable future for our kids. What's wrong with that?! So what if all I could do is community theater on the side?! I'd have stability!! I'd have a retirement fund!! Sounds great, right? Well, in 40 years what would I look back on with regret? Probably a lot. I would have no idea the heights I could have reached after college. I'd question myself and most likely realize how unhappy I am. So that brings up the question, "what is the cost of happiness?" I really don't think there is a price you can put on that. Not even $100,000 a year. So I shook the kind man's hand, declined appreciatively, and I left.
"I took the path less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."-Frost


  1. I love my child and the way her mind works! God love you honey! Sometimes we just have to glance down the wrong path for a split second so that we are reminded once again what path we SHOULD be taking. I am so proud of you for having always known who you were and what your destiny was.
    "Destiny has a lot to do with it, but so do you. You have to persevere, you have to insist."
    Andrea Bocelli

  2. This is something I think about every day! I'm at university at the moment with graduation looming, and the inevitability of working full time with not much time for anything else! It can be really hard to get the balance right these days without sacrificing your 'life' for it... think you made the right decision!

  3. You're on the right track. Always stay committed to your dreams.

    "Human salvation lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted."-- Martin Luthur King, Jr.

  4. Thanks everyone! I appreciate the support. I don't believe anyone should ever have to sacrifice their lives for a job, otherwise their life will BECOME their job. D:
